
Julie, Get Over 2011!

First and foremost, Happy New Year to ALL that I know of... Wishing a great year ahead and keeping up with your resolutions...

2011 passed too fast... and I just wake up from a great hangover...
I got wasted at 1.48am. wth??

Im not sure whether this miserable feeling of mine will affect my entire 2012... could it be a sign to a worst year ahead? Most ppl disagrees as they said that the unlucky incident was on 30 Dec 2011... and that 2012 will be betta! Oh god, pls tell me it's true...

As for those who's wanting to know of my unlucky incident, it's about my Iphone... she's now highly suspected with a new owner... after i left her inside a toilet cubicle at white sands...

Most people will say shit happens... and life shud go on... - of course!
But I badly couldnt stand the shitty feeling of losing sumthing precious, for god sake, I BADLY need a temporary fone.

Ok, that's my first in the list now... to get a personal phone.

& the 2nd always stuck in my new year resolution list; to be slimmer.
Im not vain, & it's not because of others...or bf or whutever..., just myself. I felt better when im slimmer. Seriously, im unhappy with my body & I dun want to live with it for the rest of my life... & i cant help EATING because I felt great when im eating...


Shit happens almost all the time, but good things are hard to even see it coming...

Oh, tapping on good things... I remembered bout my bonus... my FIRST bonus just passed (dec 2011)... I felt excited seeing more than double amount of money in my acct balance... BUT! it happened too fast... I took out 3/4 of it to pay my school fees... =( & now... Im left with a small pathetic amount again....& as usual counting down to the next pay... so this good thing was not as good afterall for me...

I persuade myself to get happy with the bonus... and get away with my colleagues to Batam!
We went 2 days 1 night accomodating at "Tempat Senang". It was away from town area... & the 2 days I finally felt PEACE. Sumhow, no matter how much u love ur bf & best friends... u still require a time of your own...I finally agree with this....

So ya... I hope my 2012 will be better... & wish myself well with my bf, to be more insensitive, happier and again... SLIMMER. LOL.

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